November 8, 2022 / Off Grid Combo

On Grid and Off Grid Solar System- Which side to pick?

A solar power system is a big decision to make. This is an equipment that is going to last you for many years. This is why the key is to make a right choice. Recently, a lot of people are choosing solar energy. There are two reasons for this- to decrease the carbon footprint and to save money on bills.

When you partner with a reputable seller, they can be your guide. But doing a little homework can’t hurt either. It will benefit you to know more about the system. Choosing between an on-grid or off-grid system is quite confusing.

This is why we have created this guide just for you. We will be exploring the differences between these two systems. By the end of it you will be able to make the right decision.

But first let us understand what these systems are?

A- On Grid Solar system

On-grid solar systems are also called grid-tied systems. They connect to the electric grid. They give steady power, adding to grid power and sometimes sending extra energy back to the grid. This is useful when solar panels don't make enough energy or when stored solar power runs out and batteries need to recharge.

B- Off Grid Solar system

An off-grid solar system generates and stores electricity independently from the main power grid. It's great for remote areas where connecting to the grid is hard or for people who want to be self-reliant at home.

Now let us look at their differences-

Difference #1- Your access to electricity

Electricity Access with Off-Grid Solar

This system relies solely on the sun and energy accumulated in batteries to power your home/business. If you choose a solar system that is not connected to the electric grid and do not have a generator; you will only have power at two points:

  • When the sun shines and your solar system generates electricity.
  • When you draw electricity from a solar storage device, such as batteries, that has already been developed by your solar system.

If you don't have batteries or a method to store your energy, you won’t have electricity when it's cloudy.

With this system, you will not have access to extra electricity if you require it. Everything you produce and store is all that's there to power your equipment.

Electricity Access with On-Grid Solar

If you choose to use a grid system, you will always have electricity to use. Even if your solar system is not making electricity, you will still have it available. Your devices or machines can pull energy from the supplement grid. This ensures you always have energy when you need it.

Difference #2-What happens to excess production?

Excess Production with Off-Grid Solar

Depending on how much electricity you use or what size system you have; there are going to be times when system will be producing more energy than you need. What happens to this?

Most off-grid solar systems are devised to generate a particular amount of "extra" electricity during the day. This is sent to the batteries for storage. The energy accumulated in those batteries can be used when the system is not producing.

Systems can be designed to generate enough extra electricity during the day to cover your total energy consumption around the clock.

The weather is unpredictable, though, even with the most precise forecasts. In bad weather, your system might not be able to produce enough electricity. As a result, your batteries won't be charged.

While having extra batteries may provide some relief, they are expensive. Going on to purchase more of them will cost you quite a hefty amount.

Excess Production with On Grid Solar

Many people who decide to install an on-grid solar system want to cover a hundred per cent of their energy consumption. They expect the same with off-grid solar systems, too.

Depending on what time of day you use electricity, your solar system may generate excess energy. Instead of sending it to batteries like in an off-grid system; you can transmit it to the grid and be compensated for the electricity.

For many people they can be compensated through net metering. If you make more electricity than you use, the electric company will pay you back. They might even give you credits on your bill. Later, when you need electricity from the company, you can use those credits instead of paying extra.

Difference #3-What happens when the grid goes down?

Power Outages with Off-Grid Systems

Solar system runs autonomously outside the main grid power. This implies that it may still keep working even if there is a power cut brought by a hurricane or any other incident. This is because the system banks power in batteries that can be used later when grid outages occur. Therefore, there won't be any interruptions in case of power outages, and you will never experience any breaches in supply or service.

Power Outages with On Grid Systems

On-grid solar systems are intended to supply power when the grid is functioning normally. But they cannot operate during a power outage. Typically, these systems automatically shut down during a blackout. Hence, even solar power will not be capable of supplying you with electricity for your house or particular appliance if you do not have a secondary power source, such as a generator or battery.

Difference #4- How are you billed for electricity?

Electricity Bills with an Off-Grid System

If your system is not tied to a grid, you won’t receive a bill at all. But even if you don’t have to pay a bill, off grid systems can still be expensive. This is because you have to get batteries.

Electricity Bills with an On Grid System

Even if your solar system provides all of your energy, you will see minimal charges on your bill. You might also incur delivery or service charges. This is a cost the customer has to bear for connecting their homes to a grid.

Introducing Hybrid Systems-

A hybrid solar energy system is connected to the grid and has a battery to save extra power. It costs more because of the batteries, but it helps keep electricity running when the grid stops working. It also assists businesses save money on electricity bills.

A good thing about a solar setup is that it has a battery that works as a backup when the main power goes down. With the battery gone, your solar panels will not support home power utilization during the blackout. Batteries are a great way to use less power from the main power grid because it uses stored power when the solar panels are not making electricity. This means you can use more clean energy in your home!

To conclude

Off-grid and grid-tied solar systems are different. The best one for you depends on your situation. Off-grid systems let you be independent from the utility, but they can cost more.

Grid-tied systems provide energy savings and are linked with the grid, so you'll always have the power you need at home or work.

The best way to procure the most suitable solar system for you is to contact your area's nearby solar companies. They know the right solar panel system for you and can help you yield a maximum amount of energy from your solar panel system.

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